What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding means keeping children safe from harm. At Lancashire TAAG, we work hard to make sure that all children feel safe, happy, and protected when they are with us. We have rules and actions to help keep everyone safe.

Who Does This Policy Help?

This policy is for all children who come to Lancashire TAAG activities, their families, and the adults who look after them. It helps everyone understand how we keep children safe.

How Do We Keep You Safe?

1. Kind and Trusted Adult

  • All volunteers and staff are checked to make sure they are safe to work with children.
  • They are trained to understand how to protect children and act if something is wrong.

2. Safe Space

  • We make sure all the places we use are safe and welcoming.
  • If there are any dangers, we fix them quickly.

3. Listening to You

We want you to tell us if you ever feel upset, scared, or unsure about something.
We will listen and help you right away.

4. Rules to Follow

Everyone at Lancashire TAAG agrees to treat each other kindly and with respect.
Bullying or hurting others is never allowed.

What If You Feel Unsafe?

If something makes you feel unhappy or unsafe:
Tell a trusted adult, like your parent, teacher, or a Lancashire TAAG volunteer.
You can also talk to our Safeguarding Leads, who are here to help you.

Safeguarding Lead Contact:

Names: Wendy Sparling or Colette Reid

What Do We Do If There Is a Problem?

If you tell us something is wrong:

1. We will listen carefully and take what you say seriously.
2. We may have to share information with external people who need to know, this is because we have a duty to keep you safe.
3. We will do our duty and act quickly to try to ensure you are protected.

How Can You Help Keep Yourself Safe?

  • Always talk to a trusted adult if you are worried about something.
  • Be kind to others and follow our rules.
  • If you see something that doesn’t feel right, tell someone

Your Rights

At Lancashire TAAG, every child has the right to:

  • Feel safe and happy.
  • Be listened to and respected.
  • Get help if they need it.

Who Can You Talk To?

If you need help, you can talk to:

  • A Lancashire TAAG volunteer.
  • Your parent or carer.
  • A teacher at school.

You can also contact Childline at 0800 1111. They are always ready to listen and help.


We are here to help you and keep you safe. If you ever feel worried, speak up—we’re always ready to listen.